What is it?
Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid, meaning our bodies can produce it naturally in the liver . It is also found in foods like poultry and meat . Unlike many other amino acids, beta-alanine is not used to build proteins . Instead, it plays a crucial role in the production of another important compound called carnosine .
How does it work?
Beta-alanine works by increasing the levels of carnosine in our muscles . Carnosine acts as a buffer against acid buildup during intense exercise . Think of it like a sponge that soaks up the acid, delaying the burning sensation and fatigue you feel in your muscles . This allows you to push harder and longer during your workouts .
What are the benefits?
The main benefit of beta-alanine supplementation is improved performance during high-intensity exercise, especially activities lasting between 1 and 4 minutes . It can help you squeeze out a few extra reps or maintain your speed for longer sprints . Beta-alanine also reduces feelings of fatigue and how quickly you tire out, which can be helpful for both athletes and everyday gym-goers . Some research also suggests it may enhance cognitive function and resilience to stress .
What does the research say?
Research suggests that beta-alanine supplementation can improve high-intensity exercise performance, which may indirectly support muscle building by allowing for more intense and prolonged workouts . However, the direct impact of beta-alanine on muscle growth is still under investigation . Some studies have shown that beta-alanine, when combined with a strength training program, can lead to a small increase in lean mass . However, other studies have not found a significant effect on muscle mass or body composition . More research is needed to fully understand the role of beta-alanine in muscle building .
Side Effects
This is a tingling or itching sensation, usually felt in the skin . It is typically harmless and goes away on its own within 60-90 minutes .
Decrease in histidine levels
Some studies have observed a decrease in histidine content in muscles and plasma after beta-alanine supplementation . However, this was not consistent across all studies .
Clinical Studies & Trials
[1] β-alanine supplementation to improve exercise capacity and performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
This meta-analysis found that β-alanine supplementation has a significant ergogenic effect on exercise, especially for activities lasting 0.5–10 minutes. It was more effective for exercise capacity tests than performance tests and showed benefits for both isolated limb and whole-body exercise.
View study[2] International society of sports nutrition position stand: Beta-Alanine.
This review concludes that beta-alanine supplementation (4-6 g daily for at least 2-4 weeks) improves exercise performance, particularly in high-intensity tasks lasting 1-4 minutes. It also attenuates neuromuscular fatigue and may have additional benefits when combined with other supplements.
View study[3] Nutrition Recommendations for Bodybuilders in the Off-Season: A Narrative Review.
This review discusses various nutritional strategies for bodybuilders, including the use of supplements like citrulline malate. It mentions that citrulline malate may enhance exercise performance, increase repetitions to failure, decrease muscle soreness, and improve maximal strength and anaerobic power.
View study[4] Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation.
This review discusses the use of beta-alanine in bodybuilding, noting its ability to increase muscle carnosine levels, improve exercise performance, increase lean mass, reduce perceptions of fatigue, and enhance resistance to fatigue during strength training.
View study[5] Side effects of amino acid supplements.
This review discusses the side effects of various amino acid supplements, including HMB. It notes that HMB is generally well-tolerated with no toxic effects, although some studies have observed decreased glutamine levels and altered ATP metabolism.
View study[6] Histidine Metabolism and Function.
This review discusses the role of histidine and its relationship with beta-alanine in forming carnosine. It suggests that beta-alanine supplementation can increase carnosine levels, potentially improving exercise performance.
View study[7] Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Function by Amino Acids.
This review discusses the role of amino acids, including HMB, in regulating skeletal muscle function. It notes that HMB can stimulate protein synthesis and reduce muscle protein breakdown, potentially preventing muscle atrophy.
View study[8] Carnosine and Beta-Alanine Supplementation in Human Medicine: Narrative Review and Critical Assessment.
This review discusses the benefits of beta-alanine supplementation, including improved muscle performance, reduced glycaemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus, enhanced cognitive function, and support for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
View study[9] Physiology and pathophysiology of carnosine.
This review explores the physiological roles of carnosine, a dipeptide formed from beta-alanine and histidine. It discusses carnosine's pH-buffering, metal-ion chelation, antioxidant capacity, and its potential therapeutic applications in diseases involving oxidative stress.
View study[10] Multi-ingredient pre-workout supplements, safety implications, and performance outcomes: a brief review.
This review discusses the use of beta-alanine in pre-workout supplements and its ability to improve high-intensity exercise performance by increasing intramuscular carnosine levels.
View study[11] Effects of β-Alanine Supplementation on Carnosine Elevation and Physiological Performance.
This review focuses on the physiology of carnosine and the effects of β-alanine ingestion on carnosine elevations. It discusses the potential ergogenic benefits for competitive and tactical athletes, including enhanced cognitive performance and increased resiliency to stress.
View study[12] Histidine in Health and Disease: Metabolism, Physiological Importance, and Use as a Supplement.
This review discusses the role of histidine and its relationship with beta-alanine in forming carnosine. It mentions that beta-alanine supplementation improves muscle performance, delays fatigue during high-intensity exercise, and increases muscle carnosine content.
View study[13] Role of beta-alanine supplementation on muscle carnosine and exercise performance.
This review presents the current knowledge on carnosine and beta-alanine metabolism and the effects of beta-alanine supplementation on exercise performance. It concludes that beta-alanine supplementation is a safe nutritional strategy capable of improving high-intensity anaerobic performance.
View study[14] Timing of ergogenic aids and micronutrients on muscle and exercise performance.
This review discusses the role of beta-alanine as a rate-limiting substrate in the synthesis of intramuscular carnosine, which contributes to the buffering capacity of skeletal muscle. It notes that beta-alanine has consistently been shown to improve high-intensity exercise performance.
View study[15] The Effect of β-Alanine Supplementation on Performance, Cognitive Function and Resiliency in Soldiers.
This review discusses the benefits of β-alanine supplementation for soldiers, including enhanced anaerobic skeletal muscle performance, improved resilience to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), and heat stress. It may also support cognitive function under stress.
View study[16] Dietary Supplements for Athletic Performance in Women: Beta-Alanine, Caffeine, and Nitrate.
This review examines the efficacy of beta-alanine, caffeine, and nitrate supplementation for performance enhancement in women. It suggests that beta-alanine may lower the rate of perceived exertion and extend training bouts in women, leading to greater functional adaptations.
View study[17] New strategies in sport nutrition to increase exercise performance.
This review discusses various strategies in sports nutrition, including the use of ergogenic aids like beta-alanine. It highlights that beta-alanine can promote performance in the correct exercise setting.
View study[18] The Top 5 Can't-Miss Sport Supplements.
This review discusses beta-alanine as a top sport supplement, highlighting its ability to increase muscle carnosine levels and delay the onset of muscular fatigue during high-intensity efforts. It notes that beta-alanine supplementation improves anaerobic performance, particularly in activities lasting over 60 seconds.
View study[19] Nutritional Strategies to Optimize Performance and Recovery in Rowing Athletes.
This review discusses various nutritional strategies for rowing athletes, including the use of HMB. It mentions that HMB supplementation can increase aerobic capacity, peak anaerobic power, and decrease fat mass.
View study[20] β-Alanine Supplementation in Combat Sports: Evaluation of Sports Performance, Perception, and Anthropometric Parameters and Biochemical Markers—A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials.
This systematic review evaluates the effects of β-alanine supplementation on sports performance, perception, anthropometric parameters, and biochemical markers in combat sports. It concludes that β-alanine supplementation improves sports performance parameters such as strength, power, total exercise work capacity, and combat-specific parameters.
View study[21] Effect of creatine and beta-alanine supplementation on performance and endocrine responses in strength/power athletes.
This study examined the effects of creatine and creatine plus beta-alanine on strength, power, body composition, and endocrine changes during a 10-week resistance training program in collegiate football players. Creatine plus beta-alanine supplementation appeared to have the greatest effect on lean tissue accruement and body fat composition.
View study[22] Effect of β-alanine supplementation during high-intensity interval training on repeated sprint ability performance and neuromuscular fatigue.
This study investigated the influence of β-alanine supplementation during a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program on repeated sprint ability (RSA) performance.
View study[23] The Possible Roles of β-alanine and L-carnosine in Anti-aging.
This review analyzes the role and various beneficial properties of β-alanine and L-carnosine from an anti-aging perspective. It discusses their importance in maintaining muscle buffering capacity, preventing loss of muscle mass, and having other beneficial effects such as preventing skin aging and intestinal damage.
View study[24] Comment on Cesak et al. Carnosine and Beta-Alanine Supplementation in Human Medicine: Narrative Review and Critical Assessment.
This paper is a comment on a review article by Cesak et al. and does not provide detailed information on Beta-Alanine.
View study[25] β-Alanine supplementation and military performance.
This review discusses the use of β-alanine supplementation to enhance performance in high-intensity activities and improve cognitive function and resilience during highly stressful situations, such as military operations.
View study[26] Evidence-based nutritional approaches to enhance exercise adaptations.
This opinion paper provides current-day and evidence-based information regarding dietary supplements that support resistance training adaptations or acutely enhance strength-power or endurance performance.
View study[27] Beta-alanine supplementation, muscle carnosine and exercise performance.
This review examines the available evidence regarding the optimization of supplementation, the link between beta-alanine and exercise performance and the underlying ergogenic mechanism.
View study[28] Can the Skeletal Muscle Carnosine Response to Beta-Alanine Supplementation Be Optimized?
This review discusses how beta-alanine increases muscle carnosine content and enhances exercise performance, particularly during high-intensity activities. It also explores the efficiency of converting ingested beta-alanine into muscle carnosine.
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