What is it?
A weighted blanket is a therapeutic tool designed to provide deep pressure stimulation, often used to improve sleep and reduce anxiety. It is typically filled with materials like beads or chains to evenly distribute weight across the body, creating a calming, hugging sensation.
How does it work?
Weighted blankets work by applying gentle, distributed pressure across the body, which stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. This stimulation can release hormones like serotonin and melatonin, promoting relaxation, reducing heart rate, and helping to ease anxiety. The deep pressure touch (DPT) mimics the sensation of being held or swaddled, which can help calm the nervous system and improve sleep quality .
What are the benefits?
Weighted blankets have been shown to improve sleep quality, reduce nighttime awakenings, and alleviate symptoms of insomnia, anxiety, and stress. They may also help increase daytime activity levels and reduce fatigue, depression, and anxiety in some individuals .
What does the research say?
Research on weighted blankets for improving sleep shows mixed results. Some studies report significant improvements in sleep quality, reduced insomnia severity, and fewer nighttime awakenings . For example, one study found a 59.4% response rate in the weighted blanket group compared to 5.4% in the control group . However, other studies suggest that weighted blankets do not significantly improve sleep outcomes like sleep onset latency or total sleep time . Overall, while some individuals may benefit, the evidence is not yet strong enough to recommend weighted blankets as a routine treatment for sleep problems .
Side Effects
Skin rash
A 2-day skin rash was reported in one child, which might have been related to weighted blanket use .
Feelings of anxiety
One participant in a study discontinued use due to feelings of anxiety when using the blanket .
Discomfort or cold sensations
Some users reported feeling cold or uncomfortable when using weighted blankets, though no severe adverse events were noted .
Clinical Studies & Trials
[1] Weighted Blanket Use: A Systematic Review
This review highlights the limited research on the effectiveness of weighted blankets for emotional and physical regulation, including sleep improvement.
View study[2] Practice guideline: Treatment for insomnia and disrupted sleep behavior in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
This guideline discusses weighted blankets as a nonpharmacologic approach for improving sleep, though evidence for their efficacy is lacking.
View study[3] A randomized controlled study of weighted chain blankets for insomnia in psychiatric disorders
This study found that weighted blankets significantly improved insomnia severity and sleep maintenance in participants with psychiatric disorders.
View study[4] The Impact of Weighted Blanket Use on Adults with Sensory Sensitivity and Insomnia
This small study found that weighted blankets improved sleep quality and duration in adults with sensory sensitivity.
View study[5] The effect of weighted blankets on sleep and related disorders: a brief review
This review discusses the potential benefits of weighted blankets for improving sleep quality and reducing anxiety, though evidence is still limited.
View study[6] Effect of weighted blankets on sleep quality among adults with insomnia: a pilot randomized controlled trial
This study found that weighted blankets significantly improved sleep quality and reduced nighttime awakenings in adults with insomnia.
View study[7] A weighted blanket increases pre-sleep salivary concentrations of melatonin in young, healthy adults
This study found that weighted blankets increased melatonin levels before sleep, potentially aiding relaxation and sleep onset.
View study[8] A case of effective usage of a weighted blanket for a person with severe dementia
This case study showed that weighted blankets improved sleep quality and reduced nighttime awakenings in a person with severe dementia.
View study[9] Weighted blankets for sleep problems - prescription, use and cost analysis
This review discusses the use of weighted blankets for insomnia, despite limited evidence of efficacy.
View study[10] Managing Sleep in Adults with ADHD: From Science to Pragmatic Approaches
This review mentions weighted blankets as a non-pharmacological intervention for improving sleep in adults with ADHD.
View study[11] Widespread Pressure Delivered by a Weighted Blanket Reduces Chronic Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
This study found that weighted blankets reduced chronic pain and improved sleep in adults with chronic pain conditions.
View study[12] Weighted blanket and sleep medication use among adults with psychiatric diagnosis - a population-based register study
This study examined the use of weighted blankets and sleep medications in adults with psychiatric diagnoses.
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